Office Intranet (Employee Relationship Management)

Intranet Application
Orthos Office Intranet application is an advance communication, data sharing & processing platform which Uses network technologies as a tool to facilitate interaction between people or workgroups.
Intranets/Extranets are very useful for organizations where exchanging of information is very fluent within the organization and it’s become challenge when information has to be passed in very short span of time within the organization worldwide or nationwide. Intranets are like the Internet but access to the facilities is restricted to one company, group or personals. We give solutions to those organizations that required centralized system to pass on the information within the organization in very short span. Our Corporate Intranet application is the most cost-effective and efficient way to distribute the right information to the right people at the right moment.
Orthos Office Intranet Web Application is custom developed & further customizable to suite smaller, Medium & large scale organization. Using our intranet web application you can easily maintain Employees information, Leave and Permission details, Employee Appraisal and Job Satisfaction, Training details, Stores and Purchase details, Folder and Newsletter uploading, Message Board, Event details, Trouble Shoot and Reports.
Our Web based Intranet Application modules are best suitable for Educational Institute, Health Industry, Hospitality Industry, Retail Sectors, Software Industry, Manufacturing Units to manage its employees day to day activity from attendance, leave, appraisals , trouble tickets to purchases & expenses.
Orthos Office Intranet Application is built to fit
The login types in our application can be limited to 1 or n !
Our Office Intranet Core Modules :
Human Resource Management
Leave and Permission Management
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)
Man Power Requisition/ Extension
Documents and Downloadable Resources
Purchase And Payment Requisition
Purchase Request
Payment Requisition
On Duty Slip
IT Support
Trouble Ticket
Visitors Gate Pass
Office Administration
Asset Management
Warranty Management
News & Events
Photo Gallery
Travel Authorization & Booking
Centralized Calendar
Task Manager
Document Repository
Market Place (Classifieds)
Employee Suggestions
News & Events Suggestions
Organization Chart
New Joiners
Birthday Alerts
Leave and Permission Management
Leave Management is administered by the Human Resource Department (HRD) to maintain and manage the employee's leaves. Intranet solution provides tools that help HRD to see to it that the leaves are efficiently managed and accurately tracked.
Leave Management process includes defining the leave types, jobs hand over and calculating carry leaves, employees applying for leaves, approving or rejecting the leave requests etc.
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)
The LTA system helps in maintaining the database of employees’ requisition for leave as well as allowance. The fields include the dates of the period of leave, sum requested and the year. There are separate views for user, approver and Hr, in which pending/approved/rejected/deleted LTAs can be tracked.
Effective communication is an essential component of organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, intragroup, organizational or external levels. Intranet Solutions offers tools so that the noise or interference that can enter into the communications process can be avoided.
Message board is one such tool that ensures smooth and effective communication within the organisation.
Inter Office Memo and instant internal chat applications are also integrated in the system.
Appraisal Management
A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. The long term success of any organisation depends on the job satisfaction of its employees.
Intranet Solution helps to manage these performance appraisals in a very convenient and effective manner by obtaining and recording information about the employee, so that the management can judge the relative worth of an employee to the organization.
Training Management
Updation of knowledge and learning new things will positively influence in the productivity of an organisation and that is why contemporary organizations pay a lot of attention in frequent training of its employees.
A mismanaged training is nothing but just a waste of money and time and here is where Intranet Solution comes handy for organizations.
The tools integrated maintain the information and thus enables the calculation of relative benefits of a particular training and thus in turn ensures that the learning has been significant and easily transferable to everyday life.
The trainee name can be selected from the pre populated list
The venue can be entered manually
Selection of faculty type
Calendar tool for date selection
Topic and a description can be given at the time of creating a training
Man Power Requisition
The smooth functioning of any organisation directly depends on the man power.
Intranet Solution provides an easy way to maintain and manage the man power
Various levels of approvals that are essential in the process of recruiting of man power is integrated in the system.
The request for man power can be viewed by the concerned authority
The basic details of the candidate is captured at the time of request
The requested man power may be cancelled or approved by the concerned authority.
The options to approve or reject is given to multiple persons in various levels of the organization hierarchy
Extension or Closure of Contract
The application provides an interface to manage the extension or closure of contract with particular employee. In case of extension of contract, multiple extensions are possible and the data is captured and maintained.
Documents and Downloadable Resources
The application incorporates features such that authorised users can upload documents. These documents can be downloaded by the users.
On Duty Slip
The on duty slip is a document that has to be filed by an employee when he/she has to leave office on an official work. The slip has full details about the employee, the client who has to be met, the client’s contact information, the time period and any other remarks.
Clear record of the instances when employees visited clients
Follow up of employee activities outside the company premises.
Asset Management
All the assets of the company like vehicles, furniture, electronic gadgets and machinery can be listed and maintained using the asset management tool. The fields like product category, serial number, model and description are collected.
Clear categorization of available assets
Easy identification and understanding with the help of available description
Warranty management
All the assets of the company listed in the asset master are verified for their warranty and if any, the details are entered and maintained in the warranty management system.
News & Event Management
All the news and events that happen in the company are listed under the news & events column. It gives a clear idea of what is happening in the company. Events like birthdays of employees are also listed so it keeps informing the employees about the happenings even in an individual’s perspective.
Photo Gallery
Photos of recent events or achievements can be uploaded which helps in sharing some good moments with all the employees in a single click.
Travel Authorization & Booking
Photos of recent events or achievements can be uploaded which helps in sharing some good moments with all the employees in a single click.
The vehicle management tool helps to manage vehicles and their availability. The information that are collected include name of the applicant, department, approver details, period of usage, purpose and number of people.
The booking management system helps in booking air tickets/hotels/guest houses for the guests. This system helps in maintaining records about guests and their period of stay. Also records of availability of guest houses, details of the place of stay, period of stay, date and place of departure etc., can be maintained.
Air Booking :-
If employees want to request Air ticket booking; then this module is full-fledged to meet the requirement. Manager can view the air ticket booking request and approve/reject the request. When the department Head approves it will be directed to the Booking desk, where Booking desk will take the necessary arrangement & update the booking status to respective users.
Hotel Booking :-
If the employee wants to request for hotel booking; then this module is full-fledged to meet the requirement. Manager can view the booking request by the employee and approve/reject the request. When the department Head approves it will be directed to the Booking desk, where Booking desk will take the necessary arrangement & update the booking status to respective users.
Conference Room Booking :-
Advance conference booking is made easy through this tool. Well, this helps the organization to manage the conference room booking by the employees.
Media :-
Special occasion photos and videos you can upload and it will be accessible to all the employees.
Create Album
Add Photo/Video
My Album
Knowledge Hub :-
Knowledge sharing is very vital to be successful as a team. User can post article, manage article and view others article.
Post Articles
Manage Articles
Category Master
View Articles
Feed back :-
Feed back is valuable when you want to know how your employees feel about particular changes which you made in the organization. This tool quite enough to address this requirement.
Post Feedback
View Feedback
Trouble Ticketing
A trouble ticket (sometimes called a trouble report) is a mechanism used in an organization to track the detection, reporting, and resolution of some type of problem. So, using the IT support function, whenever a trouble arises, trouble ticket can be raised, followed and verified if the issue is resolved.
The major functionalities include :
Raising Trouble Ticket
Replying to Ticket
Closing Ticket
Listing Trouble Tickets
1. Replied
2. Closed
Creating a project plan
Listing the activities
Resource Allocation
Cost Estimation
Determining project Deliverable
Payment Milestones
E - Invoice (For Online Payment Collection/Payment Gateway Integration)
Project Updates
Visitors Gate Pass
Visitors Gate Pass tool helps to manage the visitors more systematically. Employee can make the visitors entry pass and hand over to security and security make in and out time. While visitor leave the site then the security update out time and retain visitor entry pass.
Employee creates the visitor entry pass and fills it with the visitor’s details.
It is then forwarded to the security.
Visitor reaches security, security fills in the visitor entry pass with IN time on it and hands over the visitor entry pass to visitor.
While visitor is leaving site security updates visitor entry pass with OUT time and visitor entry pass is retained from visitor
Employee Registration
Once recruited an employee should be registered to the system. The services of the application are limited only to the registered or authorised users only. All the necessary details of the employee are captured in the registration form. The access to this section is restricted and the admin reserves the right to grant permissions and rights.
The general details are pre populated in the registration form, from the masters, which is maintained by the admin.
Pre-populated selection boxes avoid data redundancy.
Field validations are provided to avoid any wrong entries.
Calendar Tool to assist in selection of date.
Option to browse and upload photo.
The employee is provided with a user name and password at the time of registration
Birthday Announcement
System will generate the automatic birth day alerts to all users and they can wish him / her by clicking the messsage
New Jonnies Management
Once the user enrolls in to the Intranet system,as new joinees the system will alter the message to all users with new joinees information ( Name, Department, Designation etc..
Employee Authorization
* Daily Absent entry with Auto SMS to parent.
* Student Conduct entry (Achievements and Disciplinary actions).
* Manage Scholarship entries (Govt./Private).
* Generate attendance shortage students.
* (Optional) Biometric attendance devices can be easily integrated.
Message Board
Message board tool helps the Top managers to communicate to all employees by a single click. Managers can share the messages by selecting all employees/department/individually.
CEO’s DeskGeneral Announcement
Document and Content Management
Doc Repository allows the user to create Folders and include the files associated to particular topic. By this module the folder rights like view permission and edit permission can set. One of another incredible feature is you can create static pages and its contents.
Doc Repository
1. Corporate communication
2. Brochure
3. Price List
4. HR Policy
5. General Policy
Folder Rights
1. View Permission
2. Edit Permission
Create Static Pages (WYSIWUG)
1. Map pages Menu
This module helps to categorize and manage the job openings i.e. Internal Job and Referral job. Employee can apply and refer the employees.HR can post the IJP and RJP. Also HR can view the pending IJP/RJP.
Internal Job Posting – IJP
1. Post IJP-HR
2. Apply For IJP
3. My Applied IJP
4. Pending IJP-HR
5. Post RJP-HR
Referral Job Posting – RJP
1. Apply For RJP
2. My Applied RJP
3. Pending RJP-HR
Purchase Request
Company Management
Branch Management
Department Management
Inter Office Memo
Login History
Folder Management
* Hospital Managament System
* Office Intranet Software
* School Management Software
* Bulk SMS Software
* Ecommerce Solutions
* Content Managament System
* CRM Software
* Ticketing System
* Job Portals
* Travel Portals
* Payment Gateway Integration
* User Interface Design
* Application Development
* Web Development
* Digital Marketing Services
* Domain Name Registration
* Secure Hosting Services
* Corporate Email Solutions
* Online Identity & Branding
* Multimedia & Animation
Just for naming:-
❖ Administrator
❖ Chief Executive officer
❖ Human Resource
❖ Department Manager
❖ Executives
❖ Security
❖ Receptionist